Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Athena is the goddess of weaving, strategy, and arts and crafts.  She is the daughter of Zeus and Metis. Metis, Athena's mother, lives in Zeus's head as a fly.  This is because Mother Earth warned Zeus that if he had a son with Metis, that he would overthrow him. Zeus could not let that happen so he asked Metis to turn herself into different creatures.  When she turned into a fly, he swallowed her.  She lived in his head.  After a while Zeus got terrible headaches from Metis pounding and making armor.  At last, Hephaestus took an axe and cut open his head.  Out sprung Athena.  She was in full armor with a spear in her hand.

Athena is a very fierce goddess.  She once had a contest with a girl named Arachne and turned her into a spider.

I think she is a very interesting goddess.

1 comment:

  1. I love the story of Athena, what a wonderful goddess. Thank you for such beautiful writing.

    We named out daughter "Athena" when she was born and she is like the goddess in many of her attributes. I guess a name is pretty important.
