Monday, August 13, 2012

11th Birthday Party

Last Saturday, my sister and I had our 11th birthday party.  We had a fun water jumper with a slide on it.  We had Hunger Games based games such as the Cornucopia balloon stomp and the Tracker Jacker team race.

In the Cornucopia balloon stomp we had balloons tied to our feet and had to stomp each others balloons like a battle. Most of the time I was chased by about three kids which included my sister.  Finally, a girl named Jennifer pulled my balloon off and popped it.  It was really fun.

Another fun game was the Tracker Jacker team race.  In this game, the kids were divided into districts.  I was in District 11 along with Margot and Mia.  We went into the jumper with our teammates and competed with the other districts for the best time.  The time stopped when the last person from the district got down the slide.  It was very exciting.

We had hamburgers, hot dogs, pasta salad and other yummy things for lunch.  Later in the afternoon  my mom lit the candles to our cakes and brought it out.  She made me lemon cake and my sister mocha almond cake.  They both had Hunger Games pictures on them.  Everyone sang happy birthday and ate the cake.  It was the best!  

Later, during the evening party we opened presents and got really cool stuff.  My long time friends, Alec, Margot, Sophie, Olivia and Eric slept over.

I had a great time at the party and want to thank my friends who came.

Friends who came
Ireland, Keva, Jennifer, Allison, Olivia, Eric, Margot, Alec, Sophie, Naomi, Nicole, Bekah, Mia, Jasmine, Melanie, Gabby, Erin, Luca

-Julie Shiroma


  1. Hi Julie,

    I tried to post a comment to your blog but couldn't publish it because it said my URL was illegal and I don't know what that means. Then I thought I would try post as a Google Account and then it took me to my Google Sign In and said I did not have permission.

    So, I'm sending my comment the old fashioned way (because I have so much to learn about computer technology):

    Happy Belated Birthday!!!! Can you believe you will be in middle school next month? Are you excited? I know you will have a LOT of fun and learn so many new things.

    Your birthday party sounded like a lot of fun. I was finally able to see Hunger Games on the plane ride home and now I see why everyone liked the movie so much. I was on the edge of my seat almost through the entire movie! I did think though that it was sad that so many children had to die and don't understand that part of the movie. The balloon game that you played sounds like a lot of fun. I can picture you running around trying to protect your balloons.

    I have really enjoyed reading your posts all summer. Keep up the good work and see you next month!


  2. From an email ...

    Yes, the old fashion way to comment. I want to have a water slide on my birthday. it looked like so much fun...and the food looked delicious. Do you think I may be too young (?) for a water slide on my birthday? See you soon. Happy Belated Birthday.

    Rev. Naomi

  3. Hi Julie,

    Happy belated birthday to you and your sister. It looks like you had a great birthday! We are so sorry we couldn't make it. We were in Pennsylvania dropping off Brandon at college. We hope to see you soon. Say "Hi" to your Dad/Mom and Sister.

    Take care,

    Asa/Beth/Brandon and Jennifer

  4. Thanks! Its ok that you didn't make it to the party. Next time you see Brandon, tell him that I said good luck. See you soon!
