Sunday, July 8, 2012

Gods vs. Titans

In my last blog post, I ended with Cronus' defeat.  Zeus still had problems though.  Cronus was angry at him and in time a war broke out.  The war was between the Gods and the Titans.  Only two Titans, Prometheus and his brother, joined the Gods.  The bloody war went on for ten long bitter years.  Zeus freed the Cyclopses in the wars. They were very grateful and gave them gifts that allowed the gods to win the war.  They gave thunderbolts to Zeus which he threw powerfully.  They gave the trident to Zeus' brother, Poseidon.  If he stuck it on the ground it would create an earthquake.  Lastly, they gave Zeus' brother, Hades, a helmet of invisibility.  Using these gifts they won the war.

This was a short blog post, but there will be more.  Remember keep reading !

-Julie Shiroma

1 comment:

  1. Julie,
    It is very enjoyable to read your summary of the
    Greek myths that explain how life began. I hope you major in physics in college. The great minds in physics are still trying to figure this all out and they could use your advice. You write very well.
    One more thing. Thank you for the pictures from your visit to the Central Library. What a wonderful special place the Main library is. I think I sat and read in the same, large comfortable brown chair that I see you reading in. When I was reading in that chair I fell asleep and the next thing I knew a library security guard was tapping the bottom of my shoe and telling me to wake up! How rude.
